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long credit中文是什么意思

用"long credit"造句"long credit"怎么读"long credit" in a sentence


  • 长期信用证
  • "long"中文翻译    adj. (longer longest ) 1.长,长 ...
  • "credit"中文翻译    n. 1.信用,信任。 2.名誉,名望,声望。 3.赞扬 ...
  • "long term credit" 中文翻译 :    长期贷款
  • "long term credit bank" 中文翻译 :    长期信贷银行
  • "long term credit market" 中文翻译 :    长期信贷市场
  • "long term credit sales" 中文翻译 :    长期赊销
  • "long-term credit bank" 中文翻译 :    长期信贷银行; 长期信用银行
  • "long-term credit facility" 中文翻译 :    长期信用贷款
  • "medium and long credit" 中文翻译 :    中长期信用
  • "korea long term credit bank" 中文翻译 :    韩国长期信用银行
  • "long term credit bank of japan" 中文翻译 :    日本长期信用银行
  • "long-term credit bank of japan limited" 中文翻译 :    日本长期信用银行
  • "a credit to" 中文翻译 :    使...感到光荣
  • "be a credit to" 中文翻译 :    使...感到光荣, 给...争光
  • "credit" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.信用,信任。 2.名誉,名望,声望。 3.赞扬,称许;光荣,功劳,勋绩,荣誉。 4.信贷;赊销;贷款;存款;债权。 5.【会计】贷方(金额)〔略 Cr.〕 (opp. debit)。 6.〔美国〕(某科目)学分及格证;〔俚语〕优等。 7.【商业】活支汇信,信用状 (=letter of credit)。 8.【美无】广告。 a man of credit德高望重的人。 an open credit(无担保)信用贷款;无条件活支汇信。 be a credit to 是…的光荣[功劳]。 be bare of credit 名誉不好,没有信用;没有名气。 be to sb.'s credit 是某人的光荣[功劳]。 deserve no credit 不足信,可疑。 do credit to sb.=do sb. credit 使某人大为光荣,增加某人的身价;证明某人具有某种才能或品质。 gain [lose] credit 得[失]信任。 get credit for 因…出名。 get the credit of 得到…的名誉[光荣] (The wrong man got the credit of it. 给别人抢了功)。 give (a person) credit for 把…贷给(某人),把…记入(某人)付方;把…归功于(某人),认为是…的功劳;认为当然有(某种性质等) (I gave you credit for more sense. 我以为你还要聪明一些(那晓得这样笨)。 I did not give you credit for such skill. 我没想到你有这个本事)。 give credit to 相信。 have credit at 有存款在;在…有势力[信誉]。 have credit for =get credit for. have credit with 对…有信用。 have the credit of =get the credit of. lose credit with sb. 失去某人的信任。 on credit 赊 (deal on credit 信用交易,赊账买卖)。 open credit with 和…开始信用交易。 place [put] credit in 相信。 reflect credit on 使…光荣,成为…的光荣。 take credit for =get credit for. take credit to oneself 把功劳归自己。 to sb.'s credit 在某人贷方,值得嘉奖[表扬],是…的光荣。 vt. 信用,信任;【会计】记入贷方;归(功于某人);〔美国〕发及格证给(学生)。 He is credited with the invention. 这个发明是他的功劳。 credit (sb.) with (an amount a quality) 把(某数)记入(某人)账户的贷方,记入为(某人)存款;相信(某人)具有(某性质)。 credit (an amount success) to (sb.) 把(某数)记入(某人)账户的贷方;把(成功)归(某人)。
  • "credit with" 中文翻译 :    把…记入贷方; 可归功于
  • "no credit" 中文翻译 :    不赊购; 不赊欠, 无信用; 概不赊欠; 现款交易
  • "of credit" 中文翻译 :    不可撤消信用证; 信用证未用余额; 致敬
  • "on credit" 中文翻译 :    赊帐, 赊欠买卖, 信用交易; 信用交易
  • "s credit" 中文翻译 :    买方信贷(进口)
  • "with credit" 中文翻译 :    以优异成绩.
  • "-long" 中文翻译 :     表示“向”,“在”:endlong, sidelong.
  • "a long" 中文翻译 :    阿垅
  • "as long as" 中文翻译 :    (表示条件)只要……; 达…之外,长达; 只要..; 只要,如果; 只要,如果,既然,由于; 只要,如果;既然,由于
  • "for long" 中文翻译 :    持续很长时间; 长久的; 长久地; 很久,很长时间(否定句疑问句中)


  • Another challenge that adt has to cope with is the longer credit requirements from its major banking customers in china
  • The company has stable financial basis and can provide a long credit - over 30 days for the fast development inland customers , helping them increase the growth of market sales
  • Empirical studies reveal that commercial credit of the listed companies is mainly influenced by long - term business relations instead of the government credibility ; that government credibility has strengthened the long credit capacity of the enterprises , but short - term loans depend more on business operations factors ; and that government contributes significantly to the securities financing capacity of the enterprises
  • Besides , the market information status is well and the bank ' s liquidity management is generally well . however , there is some risk factors : the capital structure of " short deposit and long credit " is serious ; the quality of credit capital is difference ; the middle business is not developed well and the marketable interest ratio has brought bad factors to the bank ' s liquidity management
    因此该行流动性管理总体上趋好,但有一些潜在的风险因素: “存短贷长”的资产负债结构较为严重;信贷资产质量不高;中间业务开展不甚理想;利率市场化对该行的流动性管理带来了不确定因素等。
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